Bantu Community of the Congo Basin


The Batoue community of Bassin Congo is an organization committed to the promotion and preservation of the culture and traditions of the Batoue people. Our mission is to preserve and pass on the unique cultural heritage of our community to future generations.


Our vision is to create a strong and united community, where members feel proud of their cultural identity and where they can reach their full potential. We aspire to strengthen the bonds between members of our community and to foster the understanding and appreciation of our culture by the rest of the world.


Our objectives are multiple. First, we want to promote education and training within our community, providing educational programs and opportunities for personal development. We also want to encourage entrepreneurship and economic development within our community, by supporting local initiatives and promoting access to resources and markets.

About Us

La communauté Batu du bassin du Congo est un groupe ethnique présent dans plusieurs pays de l'Afrique centrale, notamment le Congo, le Gabon et le Cameroun. Ils ont une culture riche et diversifiée, avec des traditions ancestrales qui sont transmises de génération en génération.

Les Batu sont connus pour leur artisanat, notamment la sculpture sur bois et la fabrication de masques traditionnels. Leurs œuvres d'art sont très appréciées pour leur beauté et leur symbolisme.